Why is the Back of My Fridge Frozen?


If you’ve ever opened your fridge to find ice buildup on the back wall, you’re not alone. Many people have experienced this phenomenon, and it can be quite frustrating. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening.

We’ll discuss why the back of refrigerators freeze, some strategies for eliminating the issue, and other appliance questions you have. So, if you’re tired of dealing with a frosty fridge, read on!

Air Isn’t Circulating Efficiently in the Fridge

Have you ever wondered how your vegetables in the back of the fridge are freezing, even when the temperature is set correctly? The answer is that air isn’t circulating efficiently in the refrigerator.

Poor airflow inside a fridge can create pockets of cold air that settle behind food and ice up the back. While this problem usually goes unnoticed for a while, it can lead to increased energy costs if left unchecked.

Fortunately, there are several strategies one can employ to improve airflow in their refrigerator, such as regularly cleaning the condenser coils and using the freezer fan more frequently. These tips will help reduce frost buildup and keep your food at optimal storage temperatures.

There Might Be a Gap Between the Fridge and the Wall

The gap between the fridge and the wall can be a common cause of frozen food in refrigerators. That small space can make all the difference when hot air runs straight through it and cools down too much, creating condensation that freezes on the back wall.

If you notice there’s a gap between your fridge and the wall, start by sealing up any cracks with caulk or sealant foam. You can also layer cardboard or foam insulation between your refrigerator and the adjacent wall so that heat stays out and cold air doesn’t circulate back in. Together, these easy steps will help keep everything at an optimum temperature for storing your food safely – so you can say goodbye to those frosty surfaces in no time!

The Fridge Drain Tube Is Clogged

If you’ve been noticing frost buildup in the back of your refrigerator, chances are the drain tube is clogged. This drainage tube exists to remove condensation so that it doesn’t freeze and turn into a frosty mess. As simple as it seems, cleaning this tube can be a bit tricky.

It’s best to start by unplugging the fridge, after which you’ll need to use a plastic knife or butter knife to scrape away any gunk that has collected around the tube. If that doesn’t work, you may have to call an appliance repair professional in Memphis to remove the panel on the back of your fridge for further inspection.

The Door Might Not Be Sealing Properly

One of the major causes of freezing in the back of a refrigerator is a door that doesn’t seal properly. This often happens when the gasket that runs along the length of the door has become worn down and lost its ability to create a tight seal. As air enters and escapes, it carries cold air from the freezer section into other parts of the fridge, resulting in colder temperatures.

Luckily, this issue is easily solved by replacing or repairing the worn-out gasket. Special attention should be paid to ensure all areas of the door are getting a proper seal with minimal gaps. If that doesn’t solve your problem, you can also take some simple preventative steps like reducing humidity inside your refrigerator and ensuring its temperature is set properly.

You Might Need to Adjust the Thermostat

Adjusting the thermostat on your refrigerator is a simple task that can make a great impact. If you’re having issues with food in the back of your fridge freezing, it could be that the temperature is set too low. By setting your thermostat to the correct temperature, typically between 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit, you can bring everything back to normal.

When adjusting your fridge’s settings, be sure to do it gradually, as abrupt changes may cause other issues. Doing this can help eliminate any current problems while preventing their recurrence in the future.

Mr. Appliance of Memphis Can Help with Refrigerator Repair and Maintenance

If you find that the back of your fridge is freezing, there are a few potential explanations and solutions. First, check to see if there is a gap between the back of the fridge and the wall. If so, seal it with weatherstripping or caulk. Next, check to see if the drain tube is clogged. The clog could be causing cold air to seep into the fridge. If this doesn’t solve the problem, adjusting the thermostat might do the trick. Lastly, if none of these solutions work, it’s possible that the door isn’t sealing properly.

Regardless of your appliance repair needs, Mr. Appliance of Memphis is here to support you with reliable, prompt, and comprehensive services in Memphis.

Call  to get your appliance working efficiently again so that you can store food safely.