Prepping Your Home for Thanksgiving Guests

prepping your home for thanksgiving guests
Successfully hosting Thanksgiving is no easy task. Anyone who’s done it before will tell you that there’s a lot of planning involved and dozens of things to take into consideration. Nervous you forgot something? Don’t worry! We’ve got a few tips and tricks that will help guests (and yourself) have an unforgettable and stress-free evening.

Create the Menu Early

Even if you don’t actually cook anything until a day or two before Thanksgiving, creating a menu will help you figure out what ingredients you need to buy and what food others can help make. It also gives you time to ask about any dietary restrictions (gluten-free diets, nut allergies, vegetarians, vegans, etc.). If someone has a severe allergy or restriction, it’s appropriate to ask them to bring their own meal or side dish.

Preparing Your House

Once the meal has been created, it’s time to make your home accessible to 20+ people — a challenge to say the least. Before guests start ringing the bell, make sure you’ve:

  • Vacuumed
  • Stocked the bathroom with extra towels (for overnight guests) and toilet paper.
  • Mopped the floors.
  • Washed the dishes you’re using for dinner.
  • Checked your appliances. If you notice your refrigerator isn’t getting cold or your oven isn’t getting hot, call for a repair ASAP!

There are also various other tasks you may want to complete just to ensure that your house is in shape when your guests arrive. Overall, ensuring that your home is cleaned properly will help your guests to have a more enjoyable experience. It will also show that you took the extra time to make your home presentable for them, which they will certainly appreciate.

Ensure your home is in tip-top shape by calling Mr. Appliance of Huntington today!